Giving Back
Tri 2 Help
Giving back to the community and taking care of our Bay Area playground is an integral part of the SF Tri experience. Join us to volunteer at a local race, to get your hands dirty with the Golden Gate Parks Conservancy, or to raise a glass in support of organizations that inspire us. Previous events have included:
Trail Maintenance Day Help Golden Gate Parks Conservancy maintain our wonderful trail systems.
Bike to Work Day Plan on biking to work, leading others in group rides to work, and consider volunteering with your local bike coalition.
Sunday Streets Sunday Streets is San Francisco's open street program, where 1-4 miles of city streets are transformed into car-free spaces for community health and connection.
Challenged Athletes Foundation
With the gracious support of our sponsors, our club hosts an annual fundraiser to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation, where we are joined by Bay Area athletes that have benefitted from CAF’s efforts to empower athletes with physical challenges to find community, confidence, and conviction.
Race Volunteers
Every athlete knows how important volunteers are at races to hand out water, Gu, and cheer words of encouragement. There’s no better way to say thanks than to volunteer yourself. To this end, the club often organizes aid stations at local races. Check the calendar for opportunities.