What sets SF Tri Club apart from other clubs?
The San Francisco Triathlon Club is a supportive community of athletes of all levels. We share a passion for the sport of triathlon, bring sportsmanship and camaraderie, and create a friendly and energetic environment. Our motto is “pure energy,” and we strive to share that through all our club activities! We also firmly believe that everything is more fun when you do it in costume.
What does the membership include?
The primary function of our club is to bring together people who want to train and race together. Membership benefits include:
Weekly coached track workouts
Discounts for spin classes
Discounts from our sponsors
The ability to join and post all member-led workouts listed on our event calendar
Club sponsored social events
Special training activities such as practice triathlons and training weekends for specific races
Skills-building clinics subsidized by the club
Do you offer coached workouts and is there an additional cost?
We organize some coached workouts for members including track and swim, both are coached by professionals and included for members! If we pay to bring in a specialist coach for a specific clinic, we may have to pass on a nominal charge to those wanting to participate. As a non-profit, we try to minimize this as much as possible.
I’m new to triathlon. Do you have a beginner program?
The 0-60 program brings together people that are new to the sport and aims to prepare them for an Olympic distance triathlon. Participants will receive professional coaching, a cohort of training buddies, and program-specific group runs and rides each weekend.
I’m interested in your club, can I join in for a workout before becoming member?
Yes! You may try a bike ride, swim or a run before you sign-up. All of our swims, rides and runs are posted to our calendar, look there for upcoming activities. You won’t be able to RSVP for events on the calendar without being a member. You may be expected to sign a waiver before the workout and we ask that you limit "testing out" the club to a couple of workouts - it's not fair to our members to reap the same benefits they have without joining yourself. We do hope you'll join us - it's a fun group!
I’m a triathlete visiting from out of town. Can I join in for a workout without being a member?
Yes! Visiting athletes are welcome to join us for a workout. All of our swims, rides and runs are posted to our calendar, look there for upcoming activities. You won’t be able to RSVP for events on the calendar without being a member, but feel free to show up. The workout leader and their contact information should be posted if you need more specific information. Signing a waiver may be necessary.
Do you have any recommendations for a bicycle rental shop?
Sports Basement and Mike's Bikes offer high-end road bike rentals.
How can I get a uniform?
You can purchase uniform items from the club store at the beginning of the season in January. The club places one order per year and the items are delivered in April before the 0-60 target race; if demand is high, we open the store for a second round in late spring.
What else should I know? How are you set up?
If you have additional questions, email us at info@sftriclub.org. Also, our club bylaws are a public document intended to be available to all members at all times. If you're interested to view our bylaws, you can download them here: Club Bylaws